The SLE6000 is unique in allowing for the choice of either dual or single-limb non-invasive ventilation, extending the interface options available to medical staff. NIV can then be applied using a nasal mask or nasal prongs. Servo-controlled flow compensates for varying leaks and results in a more consistent pressure requiring fewer staff interventions.
The option of dual-limb modes for nasal CPAP allow for higher pressures with shorter rise times, which is useful when using the therapy in the acute phase. All modes can be used with the same patient circuit, providing a seamless transition between modes, reducing patient discomfort and lowering the cost of treatment.
NIV References:
“The finding of this review suggests that NIPPV augments the beneficial effects of NCPAP, and contributes to a reduced risk of failure in preterm infants with non-invasive respiratory support.”
Authors: Jucille Menses MD DM, Vineet Bhandari MD DM, Joao G Alves MD DM; Article: Nasal Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation vs Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for Preterm Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome; Publication: ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/VOL 166 No 4 APR 2012
“This trial showed that among extremely low birth weight infants, the rate of survival to 36 weeks postmenstrual age without BPD did not differ significantly after non invasive respiratory support with nasal IPPV as compared with nasal CPAP.”
Authors: Kirpilani H. Millar D. Lemrye B. Chiu A. Roberts RS.; Article: A Trial Comparing Non Invasive Strategies in Preterm Infants; Publication: NIPPV STUDY GROUP
“The outcome of this study is that some of the tested ventilators unexpectedly provided a minor degree of pressure support. As regards pressure stability, no advantages were found in the ventilator Nasal CPAP compared with Bubble CPAP, NeoPuff and Variable Flow Generators.”
Authors: Thomas Drevhammar MD, Kjell Nilsson MD, Henrik Zetterström MD PhD, Baldvin Jonsson MD PhD; Article: Comparison of Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Delivered by Seven Ventilators Using Simulated Neonatal Breathing; Publication: Pediatric Crit Care Med 2012 VOL 13, No 2
“Based on their current knowledge the authors found that there is no clear advantage to NIPPV or Bi-Level over NCPAP in reducing mortality or BPD. An update to the Cochrane review concluded that there was no advantage in death, or BPD rates, for NIPPV versus NCPAP s post extubation support. A large international RCT including 1009 ELBW infant has been completed and preliminary results indicate that there was no additional benefit or risk conferred by NIPPV or Bi-Level in comparison to NCPAP.”
Authors: C.T.Roberts, P.G. Davis, L.S. Owen; Article/Publication: Neonatal Non-Invasive Respiratory Support: Synchronised NIPPV, Non Synchronised NIPPV or Bi-Level CPAP: What is the Evidence in 2013?

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