Simple, flexible and precise
The Inspiration Air/Oxygen blender is a precision proportioning device for mixing medical grade air and oxygen,
to any concentration from 21% to 100% oxygen and delivering it to a variety of respiratory care devices. To offer maximum flexibility,
our blenders can be specified for either mounting on a pole or rail, with a variety of flow meters.

Having safe, reliable products allows hospital staff to put all focus on the patient
The ability to provide mixed air and oxygen in safe and controlled manner within a critical care unit is crucial. Blenders can offer a safe, reliable method of delivery gas to patients.
The guidelines strongly recommend the use of Air/Oxygen Blenders for neonatal resuscitation, the guidelines can be viewed by the link below.
As flexible as the users
Our blenders can be used in any ward, from Neonatal Intensive Care and Adult Intensive Care, all the way through to Recovery and High Dependency Units.
It is vital to us that hospitals can have a single product that can be adapted to fulfill different needs.

Pairing our products
In order to offer maximum flexibility, our blenders can be specified for either mounting on a pole or rail, with a variety of flow meters.
This means that our blender works well when paired with one of our products like the LifeStartTM, which has an accessory pole and standard medirails for attachment purposes.
Other blenders are available upon request, including MRI compatible models and various different flows and configurations – speak to your
Inspiration Healthcare representative for further information.

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