Big Technology for Little Lungs

Customise your ventilator to your patient’s needs.
The SLE6000 is SLE’s most versatile ventilator. Its modular design means that you can customise it to suit your patients. Add single-tube NIV modes, HFOV, VTV, SpO2 , etCO2 and Auto O2 to suit your way of working.
Optimised for the smallest of patients
SLE specialises in infant ventilation and as with all of our ventilators the SLE6000 is optimised for the smallest of patients. SLE6000 Infant ventilator the complete “all in one” solution for critical care, high dependency and non-invasive respiratory support, providing seamless high quality and precise controlled infant ventilation.

High spec features
SLE6000 High Frequency Oscillation Ventilation (HFOV) – The power and waveform shape for active volume control with lower pressure and optimal frequency range for Lung protective ventilation.
SLE6000 Oxygenie® second by second Oxygen control to achieve a stable SpO2, reducing hyperoximia and hypoximia and the need for manual adjustments as part of your ventilation therapy to improve patient outcomes.
Technical Specifications
User Manuals
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